
Einbýlishús Í Rojales - Eldri eignir

Verð 450.000€ 67.637.188 ISK

Rojales - Costa Blanca South
  • 3 Svefnherbergi
  • 2 Baðherbergi
  • 125 m2

This designed modern corner villa was designed for comfort and convenience and will satisfy the most exquisite customers and meet their most demanding expectations.
3 bedrooms with fitted wardrobes with mirrors
2 luxurious bathrooms with floor heating and mirrors
Large open plan living and dining area with floor heating
Large designer kitchen with high grade appliances and lots of other features
Utility room
Private parking
Wonderful private swimming pool
Private garden with large outdoor living area and barbeque and sink with under counter storage
Large terrace for entertaining
Outside storage shed
The property also has Solar power and Air-Conditioning

Rojales is a typical agricultural Spanish village with the River Segura running through the centre of town.The town actually covers quite a large area with many popular residential urbanisations surrounding the town centre. The residential area is very attractive with pretty gardens and swimming pools. The region is located just inland from the coastal area of Guardamar del Segura on the southern Costa Blanca.The nearby cave houses are great places to explore with their local art displays and there is a house with millions of shells on the inside and outside; a lifetime's labour of love by its owner.The river Segura runs through the centre of Rojales, it's a lovely place to while away a few hours in the evening, where you can mingle with locals who enjoy ‘alfresco' (sitting outside with friends) during the warm summer evenings.
In the centre of town there are a variety of shops and restaurants, there is a very pretty church, a local museum and a lovely village square where you can sit and watch the world go by.
The nearby cave houses are great places to explore with their local art displays and there is a house with millions of shells on the inside and outside; a lifetime's labour of love by its owner.
We will let you discover more….

Yfir 2.000 eignir til sölu hér

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Við aðstoðum kaupendur við að skipuleggja skoðunarferðir. Pantaðu upplýsingar um skoðunarferðir hér.

Kostnaður við kaupin: Ofan á auglýst verð kemur 10% spænskur söluskattur. Auk þess má gera ráð fyrir ca. 3 til 4 % kostnaði vegna stimpilgjalda og annars kostnaðar við kaupin, þ.e. samtals getur kostnaður vegna kaupa á fasteign á Spáni því farið upp í ca. 13 til 14%.

Við erum í samtarfi við flesta byggingarverktaka og fasteignasölur á Costa Blanca svæðinu.

Við getum einnig bent þér á lána fyrirtæki sem lánar allt að 70% af kaupverði. 

Hafðu samband ef þú vilt fá upplýsingar um lán á Spáni: Smella hér.

Við höfum selt fasteignir á Spáni síðan 2016 og á Íslandi frá árinu 2004

Sigurður er löggildur fasteignasali á Íslandi og Ágústa hefur lokið námi í löggildingu fateigna á Spáni.


Fá fleiri upplýsingar
Eldri eignir
Orku vottorð
í vinnslu
Fermetra stærð eignar
125 m2
Stærð lóðar
300 m2

Óska eftir frekari upplýsingum um þessa eign

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