The house features ample space on each floor and a garage that provides automatic access to the residence. At the main entrance next to the spacious garage is an entryway leading to both floors and a staircase made of wrought iron and marble. On the first floor there is a large kitchen with a small bar area and a big pantry. The large living room has a fireplace that makes life more enjoyable during those few winter months. The ground floor includes a restroom and one bedroom as well as an outdoor patio where you will find the water heater,…etc. On the first level there’s another fully functioning kitchen along with primary bedrooms and another large living room for watching television,…etc. The bathroom has recently been remodeled equipped with all conveniences from its modernization Rooms are quite spacious especially thee master which boasts generous dimensions and throughthehallleadingto therooms there'saccess tothe secondfloorwhichis half enclosed.In thislevelthere'sa greatoutdoorbarbecue,a little gardenanda bigtableforcelebrating outdoorswithyour familyand friends.Onthislevelyouhaveanopportunitytobuildasolarium orsauna…??Ifyouwant toenjoyagreathousewithtwoindependentfloors,thisisyourchance.
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