Chalet with a long-established hospitality business. On the fenced plot that provides access through an automatic gate, there is a barbecue restaurant and a dwelling in good condition. The Restaurant features two spacious areas for customers: an outdoor semi-open terrace with large windows and another spacious dining area indoors. Having been in operation for over 20 years, the Restaurant has been renovated and includes professional kitchen facilities fully equipped to start running your own business. There are ample spaces available for storing materials, beverages, etc., as well as an area designated for propane storage/supply. In another section of the property, you also have water tank installation which helps prevent breakages among other things; additionally featuring filtration and osmosis systems. Outside it’s possible to set up children’s play areas or events taking advantage of Alicante's pleasant weather during many months throughout the year. The plot is quite expansive allowing potential opportunities for further expansion pending authorization from Town Hall or Administration offices. in addition, the house contains all necessary amenities to live comfortably while resting amidst nature next door to The Restaurant.
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