A large terrace with brick built BBQ. Ground floor constists of open plan lounge/dining/kitchen and storage cupboard.Upstairs is the bathroom and two double bedrooms with built in wardrobes. The main bedroom has access to a balcony.The complex has well maintained communal gardens with fountains and a large swimming pool with bar/restaurant, tennis court, boulles, library and chapel. A couple of minutes walk to a supermarket (Mercadona) and several bars. 15 minutes walk takes you to the Filton Commercial Centre with a choice of restaurants, bars, shops, hairdressers, vets, dog grooming, real estate agents, chinese bazar, soliciotors and beauty/massage salons.
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Pris: Oven på den annoncerede pris kommer en 10% spansk moms. Derudover kan du forvente ca. 3 til 4 % omkostninger på grund af stempelafgift og andre omkostninger ved købet, dvs. i alt kan udgiften til at købe en ejendom i Spanien derfor udgøre ca. 13 til 14 %.
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